T1 or Cable Internet, What’s the Best Choice for a Small Business?

It’s almost impossible for any business – large or small – to exist these days without making use of the Internet to one extent or another. And for many without it their businesses would essentially grind to a halt. But for a smaller business budgetary concerns often mean that they are not quite sure just what kind of Internet connection they should be making use of.

Deciding upon the right type of Internet connection can indeed be a tricky choice for the small business owner, but understanding what their options are is key. For most small businesses there are two popular tried and tested solutions available to them right now; cable Internet and T1 connectivity.

Both of these do essentially the same thing, but in rather different ways. And each of them has their own set of pros and cons to be considered. This piece will shed a little light onto just what these are, hopefully allowing you to make the best possible choice for your unique business.

What is T1 Internet Anyway?

The chances are that you are fairly familiar with cable Internet because you – or someone you know well – has it in place at home. Cable based Internet has become the number one choice in US households, so most people basically know what it is.

T1 Internet however is a different story because most folks – unless perhaps they are running an Internet dependent business at home – really do not need a T1 connection in their homes. T1 lines are reserved circuits that work over specially installed copper or fiber optic cables. You can lease a dedicated T1 line and it plugs into your network’s router and has 24 channels. Each channel is capable of a maximum speed of 64Kbs. That means you can expect T1 to carry data at 1.5 Mbps, both for upload and download, which is quite a good degree of ‘computing power’.

The Advantages of a T1 Line

Perhaps the biggest advantages of T1 over Cable Internet are stable bandwidth and overall reliability. In fact most T1 connections are backed by guarantees that users will enjoy ‘up time’ of 99%. And because a T1 is a dedicated connection that is not being shared with anyone else users do not have to compete for bandwidth, giving them the steady, reliable speeds they need to meet their needs.

Another benefit of T1 is that it is easily and readily available. If you can get phone service in your area you’ll be able to get T1 Internet access too. In addition the storms that can cripple a cable Internet connection very rarely affect T1, so if yours is a business that relies on Internet connectivity to function then this is a huge advantage (and something of a comfort.)

About Cable Internet

No matter what your Internet speed – and companies do offer some pretty fast business options these days – the biggest downsides of a cable Internet connection for businesses are a somewhat less reliable connection than a T1 and the need to share bandwidth with one’s neighbors.

There are advantages to cable Internet too though. The first is price. Cable Internet, even if you were to opt for a ‘higher level’ package usually costs about 40-50% less per month than T1. And if you make great use of video streaming or videoconferencing because it is asymmetric, delivering very fast download speeds but slower upload speeds, while T1 is symmetrical, delivering the same upload and download speeds, cable Internet may very well offer better performance in that area.

When it comes to selecting the option that will work best for your business, keep these factors in mind. T1 is a solid choice for many because it offers dependability and can keep multiple computers connected at high Internet speeds. But, it’s not the cheaper option.

Cable is much more budget friendly for a small business but you’ll have to share bandwidth (and thus speed) with your neighbors. And if you are in a busy area (especially if you are near businesses like restaurants that offer free Wi-Fi to customers) this could become a serious problem.

Need more information and assistance before making a decision? Give us a call, we’ll be happy to address your questions.

Give us a call at 800-730-3468 for immediate tech support in Montclair, CA.











