For many of us, our computer monitor is something we make use of – and stare at – for hours and hours on a daily basis. Therefore, ensuring that you have the right one(s) to meet your current needs is a must. But with tech moving so quickly, and the demands on the average monitor increasing all the time, how do you even determine what a good vs. great monitor is any more, especially if it’s going to be housed in a workplace rather than a living room? Read more
For many companies their call center is hugely important to their business. It’s where orders are placed, problems are solved, services are sold and upgraded and the company’s brand can be defined, for better or worse.
For these reasons and many more a business operating a call center of any kind will usually, quite rightly, spend more than a little time and money on the latest hardware and software needed to make it functional and friendly, as well as on hiring, training and retaining the best employees to staff it. Read more