VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) and VOBB (Voice Over Broadband) systems have revolutionized the way many companies deal with the vital communications their businesses need to survive (and thrive) The technologies have also saved these same companies more than a little money. Read more

Most businesses these days, large or small, rely on the Internet to help keep their day to day operations going to some extent or another, and if that Internet is sluggish it can be more than an annoyance, it can be a revenue-sapping productivity killer.

There are more than a few reasons why a company’s Internet-based systems may be performing more slowly than expected. The company may need to consider updating their cabling systems, their modems and/or routers or the plan they have in place with their ISP provider. If they are already paying for a good plan and their systems are relatively new other forces may be at work, including router placements and having the wrong channels selected to access the Internet in the first place. Read more